When you have bad breath, it means that you are unhealthy and that you have oral health issues. Regular dental checkups will help the dentist detect any oral health issues. Bad breath can make you feel embarrassed in public and can even make you have anxiety. This makes you want to try taking gums, mints, and even other products that will take away the bad breath.
Causes of Halitosis
When you have failed to observe oral hygiene, this can lead you to bad breath. The mouth is full of bad bacteria, and this bacteria when combined with an acid, makes the teeth enamel get eroded. The tooth gets decayed and when the tooth is decayed bad smell is produced from the tooth. Chewing gums will not solve the issue of it will worsen the tooth since the decay can be expanded by sugary products.
Observe your diet
Whatever you consume will determine the breath coming from your mouth. Some foods, such as garlic, onions, and ginger, will leave a bad taste in the mouth. Avoid eating foods with garlic to ensure that your breath is always fresh. You need to also avoid sugary foods since when there is sugar in the mouth it creates an environment for bacteria to breed. This will eventually lead to tooth erosion. Avoid also taking acidic foods such as citrus fruits since the citric acid they produce will make the teeth decay. They erode the enamel which will create a hole in the tooth. Ensure that when taking meals, you take them together with these fruits.
Dental care
When you realize that you have bad breath, it is time to seek immediate dental care. At the same time, ensure that you floss and brush your teeth daily, and at the same time, drink plenty of water to wash away the food particles that may be remaining in your mouth.