The world is filled with junk! Our children are losing out because Easter candy has become a big business. You may think "oh, just this once." But that mentality has lasting effects. The earlier children have dental issues, the worse their oral health will be in adulthood. All this might sound serious, but it won't ruin your Easter holiday.
Prevent Cavities After Eating Candy
When you consume sweets, you can reduce the acid assault by bacteria by performing a few things. Drink lots of water while eating candy. Water aids in the neutralization of the acids generated by the bacteria. After that, thoroughly swish with water. This can aid in the removal of sticky sweets that have been lodged between teeth. When candy becomes lodged in your teeth, germs may have a feast and continue excreting acid all day until you go home and floss and brush that piece out. Don't nibble during the day. It is preferable to consume many sweets all at once rather than over the course of several days or weeks. If you let acid go onto your teeth, do it for as short a period as feasible. Brush your teeth later. With all that acid in your mouth, you'll want to wait at least 30 minutes to an hour before brushing and flossing, depending on how much water you've had to neutralize the acid. Enamel is tough, but it erodes with acid, and brushing with all that acid in your mouth may easily erode even more enamel.
The Worst Offenders
Stickier candies inflict more harm to teeth because they become lodged in the teeth, allowing bacteria to feast and emit acid all day until you go home and brush or floss the muck out. Dried fruit is included! The more carbohydrates and acids you expose your teeth to, the more time bacteria have to feast and release acids. Sucking on a lollipop or a piece of hard candy all day does significantly more harm than consuming the same quantity of sweets all at once. Gummy sweets are the most acidic, and acid is what causes tooth decay.