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Home For Patients Blog How Are Teeth Sealed Once an Infection is Removed?

How Are Teeth Sealed Once an Infection is Removed?

Posted on 11/12/2021 by Evan
How Are Teeth Sealed Once an Infection is Removed?When tooth decay or gum disease spreads through your tooth and infects the sensitive pulp and root, it is necessary to perform a root canal treatment. A root canal involves thoroughly cleaning the inside of your tooth and removing all infected pulp. Afterwards, we must fill and seal the affected tooth to prevent reinfection.

Why Do Teeth Need to Be Sealed After a Root Canal?

Teeth that have undergone a root canal are weakened and vulnerable to reinfection and further damage. Even though the infected pulp is removed during a root canal procedure, the affected tooth is still fragile after it is disinfected. This is because other nerve tissue is removed along with the infected pulp, meaning that the tooth will get more and more brittle over time. In order to protect the fragile tooth, we not only need to seal the canal, but cover the entire tooth with a crown. Filling and sealing the tooth after a root canal strengthens it and prevents it from becoming infected again.

How is a Tooth Filled and Sealed?

After we have thoroughly cleaned and disinfected your tooth during the root canal, we use a rubber-like material called gutta-percha to fill the inside of the tooth, along with dental cement to completely seal off the canal. This prevents bacteria from entering the tooth and causing another infection. Then, we need to strengthen and protect the vulnerable tooth with either a dental filling, a crown, or both. A dental filling closes the hole on the surface of the tooth, while a crown is a tooth-shaped cap, usually made of porcelain, that covers the entire tooth and protects it from further damage. Once your tooth is filled and protected with a permanent crown, you can chew with and brush your affected tooth the same as the rest of your teeth.

Root canals are essential for saving teeth that have been negatively impacted by tooth decay, gum disease, or another infection. You can protect your teeth from decay and gum disease by practicing proper oral hygiene and getting sealants. If you need a root canal treatment, contact our office today.
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